Get Prepared Childbirth Class:
In-person, One Day Express or Two Day Comprehensive Class

All Aboard the “Get Prepared” One Day Express!

Overview of Normal Labor:

  • Overview of the exciting female anatomy

  • The mysterious signs of impending labor

  • The confounding physiology of the 3 stages of labor and delivery.

  • Observe via video the typical emotional responses of the laboring woman

  • Discussion emphasizes the normalcy of labor and its many fascinating variations.

Comfort Measures*/Natural Pain Management:

  • Partners!  I hope you’ve been working out because the average labor lasts about 14 hours, and you may need to massage and support the laboring mother the whole time!

  • Practice relaxation, massage, breathing techniques, visualizations, guided imagery, and most importantly, positioning for labor comfort. 

  • Discussion emphasizes utilizing these techniques to shorten your overall labor, ease the pain of labor, and the special role of support people for the laboring woman. 

  • The goal of this part of class is to equip the partners with some awesome comfort measure tools to help the mommas on the big day, as well as build some muscle memory into the moms by getting into and practicing the use of some of the most common and helpful laboring and birthing positions.

Medical Procedures and Interventions:

  • Topics during this part of class include fetal monitoring options,

  • The ins-and-outs of labor inductions or labor augmentation, 

  • Medications and techniques used to augment labor.

  • Pain medication options like nitrous, epidural anesthesia, and analgesics,

  • Assisted deliveries, and

  • Cesarean birth.

  • Discussion emphasizes making choices regarding your birth based on knowledge of a procedure’s risks, benefits, and alternatives.

Recovery and Postpartum:

  • We briefly touch on the physical changes from immediately after birth to 6 weeks later (and beyond!).  

  • What supplies do you need?  Do you have all the basics? 

  • Practice basic newborn care and breastfeeding together, so bring your swaddles!

Just use the calendar below to pick your day, sign up and pay!

Only one registration is needed per couple.

“Get Really Prepared” 2-Day Comprehensive Course (All of the above, plus some more!)

Do you thrive on knowledge and want to go deeper into the world of breastfeeding and babies?? After learning all about childbirth, comfort measures, pain meds, and c-sections the first day, come for a second morning of fun! We will discuss how all about how to set yourself up for success when you arrive on a whole new postpartum planet.

What’s added to the second day of content:

Breastfeeding in the first few weeks:

  • Your amazing transforming boobs!

  • Colostrum now vs Mature Milk later and why that’s great!

  • What supplies do you need?  Do you have all the basics? 

  • Good latch vs Bad latch. Who will win?!

  • Trouble-shooting the most common issues.

Infant Care 101:

  • Newborn feeding, sleeping, and pooping patterns 

  • The 5 s’s…soothing your baby

  • What supplies do you need?  Do you have all the basics? 

  • How do I use these supplies? Let’s have a diaper and swaddle race

  • From acne, to bellybuttons, to blue hands…Common newborn mysteries solved

Just use the calendar below to pick your day, sign up and pay!

Only one registration is needed per couple.

Get Refreshed…super short refresher course on comfort measures

Soooo, let’s say you’ve already had an online class or a previous baby and don’t need a full class, but, you’d love a little in-person, comfort-measures-for-labor refresher. And, let’s say, just hypothetically here, that you maybe would like your partner to brush-up on their “helpfulness” skills for when the big day arrives (because you both remember what happened last time.) Then mosey-on in to just the morning portion of any of our Get Prepared Classes for a reduced price and join the fun.

  1. Pick a “Get Prepared” morning to come

  2. Email me and let me know what date you want to attend

  3. Cost $100.00 to be paid at class or