Birth Preferences Session

Mapping Your Birth Preferences:

We say preferences, because can anyone really plan how their birth will unfold?  

Planning birth is like trying to plan for the weather in Texas. You kind of know that it will probably be hot (so you wear appropriate clothes and maybe bring water with you), but you better bring layers, just in case you have to go into a cold HEB, or some random rain hits your one street.  BUT, it’s not bad to have preferences and know your options AND your options within those options.  Research shows that creating a flexible, updated birth plan can facilitate good communication and conversation between patients and their providers prenatally, as well as help parents achieve a feeling of autonomy and informed consent on the big day. 

As practicing birth doulas in your area, we know what’s available at your hospitals and what’s not.  (Hint* There are no “walking epidurals” here in Austin.). We can help you navigate the wild world of what-if’s and create a one-page, personalized, easy to read birth preferences/plan with you in about an hour.

Use the scheduler below to purchase your private session.

“Being well informed increases expectant parents' self-confidence and ability to achieve their desires.

A wonderful piece of research showed that when women simply asked, “Is that really necessary?” whenever an intervention was proposed during labor, the rate of unnecessary interventions dropped significantly; likewise, ‘Are there any alternatives?’ is another powerful question”

Wagner & Gunning, 2006
Wagner M, Gunning S. Creating your birth plan: The definitive guide to safe and empowering birth. 2006 New York: Perigee Books. [Google Scholar] [Ref list]